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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Call For Entries

You must think I've forgotten about all of you!  I haven't.

I do want you all to know that you will experience a silence for some time from me.  A personal issue has arisen that has been rather demanding on my energy and time.  However, I am not deterred - you will hear from me again.  It may be several months before I am able to post, however.

Given the situation, I am putting out there a call for entries!  If you like to write, and are a good writer, are open to honest feedback, and have something to say regarding faith and sexuality, leave me a comment here or on our facebook page.  Someone will get in touch with you for submission information.  If you write something that is good enough to post with minor edits, we'll go ahead and put it up in my absence.

In the meantime, continue the call to LOVE boldly.  Talk to you all again soon!