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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Breaking The Silence (Sort Of)

Hey friends!  Long time no blog.  I've missed you all!  It's time to break the silence, but there's some important steps that need to come first, including another LOVEboldly leadership (and anyone else who's interested in finding out what we're about) meeting.

I want to direct you to our facebook page:

Go "like" our page so you can stay up to date with what's going on.

And also, SUPER IMPORTANT, if you are interested in becoming involved (as a volunteer or in leadership role with LOVEboldly), please plan to attend (or skype in) for our next meeting.  In order to schedule a meeting at a time that works for everyone, I've started a survey on our facebook page.


1.  Go "like" us on facebook (This is very important, even if we are already "friends" on facebook, because I will be making some changes to social media settings and you might get left out if you aren't on the LOVEboldly page specifically).
2.  Fill out the survey on the homepage so we can get the next meeting scheduled (I'm stoked!  Are you stoked?!)
3.  Pray for the next meeting - I will be filling you all in on what's been up (including an announcement on why there's been such a dead silence out here for the last several months).
4.  Get excited - we will be making some plans and brainstorming for the next several months.

I like all of you.  So I hope you will "like" me (on facebook at least, if not in real life)!  :)