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Thursday, January 6, 2011

GCN Conference - Part One

I became acquainted with GCN (The Gay Christian Network) a few months ago.  GCN is a nonprofit ministry supporting Christians worldwide who experience same-sex attraction.  Keep in mind, the title "Gay Christian" does not necessarily mean someone who is homosexually active, but rather, a person of faith who is experiencing same-sex attraction.  Some members and supporters of GCN believe God calls gay Christians to live a life of celibacy in order to honor Him.  Others believe that God would not condemn monogomous life-long homosexual relationships.

GCN’s mission is actually similar to mine, to share Christ's light and love for all by impacting individuals, families, communities, churches, and the world.  I think GCN does a really good job of fairly presenting the myriad of beliefs on the topic of homosexuality.  They regard prayer and serious study of Scripture to be vitally important in belief formation, not only in regards to homosexuality, but as it relates to developing and growing in a healthy relationship with the Lord in every area.  As soon as I heard about their annual conference (happening this weekend) I felt God burdening me to go.  The conference will include workshops on a variety of topics such as the Bible and Homosexuality, Support for Parents, Prayer and Spiritual Growth, responding to Homophobia, Dealing with Depression, etc.   If you want to know more about GCN, check them out here.  I am very excited about attending and am hoping my time here will serve to further educate me on the issues and the varying perspectives of the LGBT community, as well as put me in touch with hundreds of people who are dealing with issues of faith and sexual orientation. 

I arrived in Denver around 10 AM this morning (Mountain Standard Time).  At the moment, I am biding my time until registration and the first general session begins.  I think there's a strong change of napping in my near future, but right now there is too much going through my head.  There are moments when I feel totally in my element, knowing this is the culmination of something that God has been doing in me for years, and the start of a new phase of serving him and building inroads to the LGBT community.  And then, there are moments when I think I must be out of my mind.  Mostly I am really excited to meet some new people, hopefully make some new friends, and be encouraged, challenged, and pushed in my pursuit of God, his truth, and his call on my heart.  Please keep me in your prayers this weekend.  My hope and prayer is that God would work in and through me, provide new vision and inspiration, and open new doors to reach into the LGBT community through this conference.

Stay posted!  I will be blogging throughout the weekend to update you on what's happening!


Kevin Harris said...


I just came across this post via twitter (as I tweet for The @MarinFoundation) and I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about the GCN conference through the lens of a straight ally. I went to my first GCN conference last year in Nashville and really enjoyed it although I wasn't able to make it this year. I hope you have a great time!

Heidi Weaver said...

Hey Kevin,
Thanks for your comment! I have the utmost appreciation and respect for the work that Andrew Marin and all of you at the Marin Foundation are doing. Glad to share with you all this year what's going on at GCN! Thanks for reading! Hope to connect with you all one of these days if I can find a way to come up to your neck of the woods for one of your living in the tension gatherings! I absolutely LOVED your "Go and Sin No More" post several weeks ago on the Marin foundation blog. Blessings!

Mark said...

"GCN’s mission is actually similar to mine, to share Christ's light and love for all by impacting individuals, families, communities, churches, and the world."

Thanks for that and I appreciate reading your perspective as useful feedback.

Mark (Zach's dad)