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Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm exploiting my birthday

It's my 27th birthday today and I want 27 things.  I am not above exploiting my birthday to get it.  :)  So, what 27 things do I want, you ask?  I want 27 comments on this post: Why Gays Deserve An Apology From Christians.

Read it.  And then respond.  Just in case you're not sure what to say, I'll give you some sample ideas.
  • I apologize on behalf of (insert any subculture group here that you belong to - religion, race, age, etc.) for how we have collectively treated the LGBT community.  It is wrong and I want to be a part of changing it.
  • God loves gays and so do I!
  • There is no excuse for hateful messages like the one from Clint McCance and I want everyone to know it!
  • I'm sorry for the hateful messages our culture has spoken to the LGBT community.  I pledge to be part of the solution!

So try one of those, or any variation you choose.  Or something totally new and original!  The possibilities are endless.  27 comments people!  Please help, it will only take 5 minutes.  The best gift I could ever get on my birthday is knowing there are people standing with me.  To hear the words of affirmation you can speak to one another would totally bless my socks off.  It's my birthday.  Let's celebrate by standing together!!!  Who's going to be the first?


Jackie Powell said...

God merely said, "Love your neighbor." I don't remember the stipulation, "As long as they're not gay."

Happy Birthday, Heidi!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that the Christian community has seen it as more important to judge then to love. I choose to look past differences in people and into their hearts. That's where relationships are built.

tracy durham said...

I may not understand all of the biological/social/psychological reasons behind the LGTB lifestyle, but this I know beyond a shadow of a doubt: God did not put these individuals on the earth to give Christians someone to abuse.

I am a straight ally and I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

I don't think being straight or gay or otherwise really matter because you're a person, and I'm a person. When you get right down to the quiet place, beyond where the words of the world reach us, we both know this to be true. My heart and your heart both beat and it is good. Life is too short to hate.

Oh, and the God I pray to, could care less about our sexuality.

The people that are so angry must be suffering. They are in fear. For some reason, things that are different make them crazy. Maybe because they hold on to those labels around them so tightly. They must be afraid of letting something unleash within them. I wish they didn't hurt.

I leave you with a prayer/chant from the Buddhist religion for your birthday and every day...

My heart is full of lovingkindness, I love myself. May I be happy, may I be peaceful, may I be liberated. May you be happy, may you be peaceful, may you be liberated. If we have hurt anyone, we ask for their forgiveness. If anyone has hurt us, we extend our forgiveness.
May all beings everywhere be happy, may they be peaceful, may they be liberated.

The world is good.

Namaste, the light in me bows to the light in you. :) Dawn

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that love wasn't my first response and that my judgment was what you met first. I'm sorry that love wasn't our first response and that our judgment was what you met first.

Unknown said...

As a Christian who used to hope that the gay people I knew would never meet someone of their same sex that they could love, that they wouldn't be tempted to sin, I apologise to the LGBTQ community, both for my own idiocy and that of others of my faith. I swear, we are not all like I was. And some of us change.

Ryan Redmer said...

I realize that this from the Fall reader, but I think it works here. “Pass judgment on yourself, not on others. When you judge others you play a losing game. But judge and examine yourself; that proves fruitful. We often judge just from our own perspective; but personal likes and dislikes easily rob us of clearheadedness. If we could depend on ourselves to make God the pure object of our desires - then! We would not cloud our critical faculties by carnal thinking.”

Smo said...

Sweet, I*m taking back the birthday gift! ;)

I*m becoming convinced there is no truth without love. there is no gospel without love. God loves higher, deeper, wider, than we can imagine. he loves gays, lesibans, transgenders, straights, hot messes like me, even ignorant homophobes (which is personally frustrating, but i am assured he's not down with smack talk or hate). so if anyone claims to follow Christ and is not living a life of love, they are doing a piss poor pitiful job. and i*m sorry for the ways the Church have missed the boat on the love God, love others goal. i*m sorry for hateful rhetoric and inhospitable deeds done "in the name of Jesus." i*m sorry when i*m too selfish to fully love which is more often than i like to admit. gay pals, i got your back; heidi, i*m in your corner. and like the internet masses say, it gets better.

Matt Spiker said...

Love is a choice not a feeling! When you chose to hate on someone just because they are different then you. Then honestly you are hating on God because He created them. The world would be a much better place if we all chose to love. Love does not mean you agree with their lifestyle. Love simply means you accept them just as they are. We were not put on this earth to judge. We were put on this earth to save people from the fire. I would much rather smell like smoke and love. Then smell like nothing and hate!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that I do stand with you. I think that we as Christians have done a terrible job of loving people the way Jesus would have loved and treated people. I think that we behave abominably.

-charis- said...

I am sorry that I've had my head in the sand instead of feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and loving the unloved. I pledge to actively love the homosexuals in my life.

Rachel said...

I admit I've done my share of acting like a judgmental jerk in this life, and I am sorry for that. God accepts and cherishes all people equally... and that really does mean ALL people!

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for hateful messages like the one from Clint McCance and I want everyone to know it! Rock on Heidi!

Unknown said...

I am sorry that Jesus has been so misrepresented to the LGBT community for so long. I am appalled and sickened when I see/hear things like
"God hates gays." All that has done is caused gays to hate God. I don't have all the answers, but I do know that I am called to love.I want to do what I can to show Christ's love to those who have been hurt and rejected by the "church." Thank you, Heidi, for reminding us all to be a light for Him to everyone.

Sean Gladding said...

This I believe: it is not my work to convict people of sin. That is the work of the Holy Spirit. My work as a member of the Body of Christ is to recognize that conviction and to partner with the Holy Spirit in my own sanctification, and to invite others to help me in that lifelong process. And my work is to do the same for my brothers and sisters. Some of my closest and dearest friends are gay, and when they tell me what sin the Holy Spirit is convicting them of, my work is to pray with and for them, to ask questions, and to support them in the ways that I can. Just as I ask them to do for me. My work is not to tell them what sins I think they ought to address, but to respect the conviction they are actually experiencing and partner with them and the Holy Spirit in their ongoing sanctification. That is my privilege and my joy. And also my hope for my own transformation from all the things that still keep me from being the human being I was created to be.

So the next time you or I are tempted to tell people what we think they ought to repent of, perhaps we can stop and instead ask that person what the Holy Spirit is actually convicting them of, and choose to partner with the Holy Spirit instead of acting as if we were the Holy Spirit. May it be so.

Here's to the new creation and all things being made new!


Anonymous said...

We are both sorry for how we as Christians have found a way to be missionaires of love to our enemies, but we haven't found a way to love our neighbors who are LGTB

Happy Birthday Heidi

Ryan and Jen

Joe said...

Hi all, well to start off I'm gay and also a deeply spiritual christian.
First off, I don't really think the need of apology is that important but it'll help to get people to realize what's the true meaning of gay and not just stereotyping the LGTB community as a whole.
The sad thing is that the gay movement starts off as an event where the LGTB community comes out to show who they are and to prove to the society that they are pretty much the same as anyone. Then now in almost all Pride march, it's more throwing to the side of sexual implications. Remember I am not here to condemn the manner but just voicing my view.
I just want to remain the people that are reading this that LGTB are people just like everyone with the only difference of having an "uncommon" sexual orientation. Why I say it's uncommon, because it's not really fully understood by people and hence one's reaction is more related to what the society or the environment dictates them to react. (It's like the concept of the mayority rules)
I have just recently come to peace with my faith and sexual orientation. It was a great relief for me and also I was able to continue on with my spiritual growth. Sad to say I was stuck at this point for almost 10 years and the resolution was just simply: God loves me the way I am and that there is nothing wrong with me. Before, I was confusing my other sins and obstacles with that of my sexual orientation.
So I final plea will be this. If you know someone that is said to be not "fitting" for the society (whether the person's sexual orientation, race, physical defects, sickness or anything that is consider to aislate them from the "society"), please take a little time to think about it and get to know the person and not just stereotype them at once. I for one was and is still going through a tough time with my society and also my brother (who found out and gets mad at me) and had a lot of suicidal thoughts;but, thanks to God, I was able to stand up again.

Thanks for reading through all these rumblings and I hope that and pray that this will help someone in one way or another and also that if you are having problems and having suicidal thoughts.. please, PLEASE don't do it. There are people who will accept you for who you are and will love you very much. God Loves you a whole lot. I love you for who you are (Doesn't count that much but at least it's something :D)


Joe said...

Hi all, well to start off I'm gay and also a deeply spiritual christian.
First off, I don't really think the need of apology is that important but it'll help to get people to realize what's the true meaning of gay and not just stereotyping the LGTB community as a whole.
The sad thing is that the gay movement starts off as an event where the LGTB community comes out to show who they are and to prove to the society that they are pretty much the same as anyone. Then now in almost all Pride march, it's more throwing to the side of sexual implications. Remember I am not here to condemn the manner but just voicing my view.
I just want to remain the people that are reading this that LGTB are people just like everyone with the only difference of having an "uncommon" sexual orientation. Why I say it's uncommon, because it's not really fully understood by people and hence one's reaction is more related to what the society or the environment dictates them to react. (It's like the concept of the mayority rules)
I have just recently come to peace with my faith and sexual orientation. It was a great relief for me and also I was able to continue on with my spiritual growth. Sad to say I was stuck at this point for almost 10 years and the resolution was just simply: God loves me the way I am and that there is nothing wrong with me. Before, I was confusing my other sins and obstacles with that of my sexual orientation.
So I final plea will be this. If you know someone that is said to be not "fitting" for the society (whether the person's sexual orientation, race, physical defects, sickness or anything that is consider to aislate them from the "society"), please take a little time to think about it and get to know the person and not just stereotype them at once. I for one was and is still going through a tough time with my society and also my brother (who found out and gets mad at me) and had a lot of suicidal thoughts;but, thanks to God, I was able to stand up again.

Thanks for reading through all these rumblings and I hope that and pray that this will help someone in one way or another and also that if you are having problems and having suicidal thoughts.. please, PLEASE don't do it. There are people who will accept you for who you are and will love you very much. God Loves you a whole lot. I love you for who you are (Doesn't count that much but at least it's something :D)


Joe said...

Hi all, well to start off I'm gay and also a deeply spiritual christian.
First off, I don't really think the need of apology is that important but it'll help to get people to realize what's the true meaning of gay and not just stereotyping the LGTB community as a whole.
The sad thing is that the gay movement starts off as an event where the LGTB community comes out to show who they are and to prove to the society that they are pretty much the same as anyone. Then now in almost all Pride march, it's more throwing to the side of sexual implications. Remember I am not here to condemn the manner but just voicing my view.
I just want to remain the people that are reading this that LGTB are people just like everyone with the only difference of having an "uncommon" sexual orientation. Why I say it's uncommon, because it's not really fully understood by people and hence one's reaction is more related to what the society or the environment dictates them to react. (It's like the concept of the mayority rules)
I have just recently come to peace with my faith and sexual orientation. It was a great relief for me and also I was able to continue on with my spiritual growth. Sad to say I was stuck at this point for almost 10 years and the resolution was just simply: God loves me the way I am and that there is nothing wrong with me. Before, I was confusing my other sins and obstacles with that of my sexual orientation.
So I final plea will be this. If you know someone that is said to be not "fitting" for the society (whether the person's sexual orientation, race, physical defects, sickness or anything that is consider to aislate them from the "society"), please take a little time to think about it and get to know the person and not just stereotype them at once. I for one was and is still going through a tough time with my society and also my brother (who found out and gets mad at me) and had a lot of suicidal thoughts;but, thanks to God, I was able to stand up again.

Thanks for reading through all these rumblings and I hope that and pray that this will help someone in one way or another and also that if you are having problems and having suicidal thoughts.. please, PLEASE don't do it. There are people who will accept you for who you are and will love you very much. God Loves you a whole lot. I love you for who you are (Doesn't count that much but at least it's something :D)


Dotti Berry said... have put forth an amazing birthday wish! Thank you! And Tracy, I sense your commitment of support. Thank you and everyone who is being open to a greater understanding. Tracy, I would like to offer a small piece that I hope will shed some light for you and any others.

I may not understand all of the biological/social/psychological reasons behind the heterosexual "lifestyle," but through my experience, I have been in relationship with a a lot of wonderful people in this chosen "lifestyle." (in fact, I hope this doesn't shock anyone, but my parents are of the heterosexual "lifestyle" ... and they are amazing...even though my father has transitioned from this life)...As committed Christians, God did not put my parents on the earth to give LGBT someone to abuse. Some of these people I have come to know in the heterosexual "lifestyle" are people who identify as Christian and some do not...some are people of another faith and some are not.

I have deliberately "reversed" the wording in an effort to shed some light on use of this term "lifestyle" so that we can clear up the confusion around sexuality being a "lifestyle." Honesty, when is the last time you heard spoken the term "heterosexual lifestyle?" Most likely, you have never heard it. And for good reason.

A lifestyle is a pattern around which we build our daily lives, which is why you hear reference to the "lifestyles of the rich and famous" (and yet they don't cover their sexual orientation during those shows). LGTB, GLBT, TGBL or any combination are simply people, some who have a sexual orientation that is not of the majority (such as gay, lesbian and bisexual) and some who are transgender (which deals with gender identity, not sexual orientation). All of these individuals have all been lumped together in a group simply due to the face that, as a group, they have often been demonized by some (not all) who are Christian. It is important, however, to understand the different between sexual orientation and gender identity.

For your birthday, Heidi, I also want to celebrate the many wonderful theologians and allies (like yourself) who are taking the time to get to know people who are TBLG. works both ways! People in the GLBT community who have been harmed must take the risk of being open to people who identify as Christians. Many are welcome, open, AND affirming! Making assumptions about anyone, without getting to know that person, leads down a dead end road of judgement.

The bottom line is that we are all people...and sexual orientation (bisexual, gay, lesbian or heterosexual) and gender identity are not a "lifestyle." Continued use of the term "lifestyle" when coupled with transgender, bisexual, lesbian or gay people perpetuates and leads to others saying, "I don't like their lifestyle." It becomes a "thing" which people can push away. Put a face with a person (your friend, your child, your parents, whoever) and it is more challenging to push them away.

My lifestyle is that I love to hike, read, play golf, travel and connect and engage with people who offer a different perspective. Completely different from my sexual orientation or gender identity.

When Robynne and I took a year-long journey in 2005-06 (, our intention was (and continues to be) to engage hearts and minds, create authentic connections and dissolve and transcend differences that separate us. That, Heidi, would be my truest wish in celebration of your birthday...from one end of the rainbow spectrum to the other!

Sapphire said...

Great blog, Heidi. And I agree: God does indeed love gays. He loves us all. It is not our place to condemn -- it is our place to share the love of Christ with every single hurting human. May I also comment to Anonymous who wrote: "Oh, and the God I pray to, could care less about our sexuality." The One True God cares deeply about every tiny detail of your life, even the number of hairs on your head! Yes, it's truth.

tracy said...

Thanks Dotti :) Clearly, I need to update my vocabulary! I am doing my best to love everyone.... and I'm still sorry (especially for when I say the wrong thing).