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Thursday, November 25, 2010

What's Happening and How You Can Help!

Hey Everyone!
Thanks so much for your love, support and encouragement over the past several weeks.  There are some exciting things on the horizon as I work to develop safe, non-threatening environments to discuss faith and sexual orientation.  I have been so blessed by the flood of emails, messages, and questions from all of you!  If you've been following this blog, you know I'm working on a variety of projects - developing seminars for traditional evangelical Christians, sponsoring events to provide safe places to discuss the issues in non-threatening ways, relationship forming, networking, etc.

I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to beat around the bush, so I’ll come right out with it.  The fact of the matter is, it will take some donations to help get things off the ground.  I'd love your support.  Each part of what I am doing is vitally important to the success of this overall vision.  Along with small expenses for books, resources, travel, and the like, there is one rather large expense that is looming.

There is a conference in Denver, Colorado this January that includes workshops on a variety of topics including the Bible and Homosexuality, Support for Parents, Prayer and Spiritual Growth, responding to Homophobia, Dealing with Depression, and other topics related to faith and sexual orientation.   My attendance will surely serve to further educate me on the issues and the varying perspectives of the LGBT community, as well as put me in touch with hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people who are working to make sense of their faith and sexual orientation.  It is a networking and growth opportunity I feel I can’t afford to miss.  Plus, I'll get to report back to you all about it on here - and I think it will serve for some really interesting posts!

The cost for the trip, hotel, registration, etc. will total around $1000 and I need to raise it by December 15, which is fast approaching!  If you feel so led, would you consider supporting me financially?  Your contribution will directly impact lives of many, as it will lead toward the ever overarching goal - developing these safe environments in order to share God's love!  Here's how you can contribute!
  • To support this trip (or the project in general) with a one time gift:
    Find the "donate" button on the right - click it and donate using any major credit card or paypal account
In addition to the conference, I am working to build ongoing support in order to develop a budget I can work off of throughout the year.  This will help ongoing costs of the project - including seminars, travel, speakers, etc. and will serve to sustain this project long-term.  My goal is to start off with a budget of at least $200 a month to cover basic expenses.  Just 10 supporters of $20 a month will get us there!  If you would like to support our efforts with your contribution of $20/month, here's how:
  • To support me monthly:
    Find the "subscribe" button on the right and pledge your ongoing support of $20/month.
It sounds cliche to say it, but I truly do mean this: any donation is so appreciated, $1 or $100.  And, as always, I value your encouragement and support, even more than your monetary contributions.  Thanks so much for letting me share my heart with you.  I am so blessed to be on this journey and to have you all in my corner.  Thank you, sincerely, for the part you are each playing through your love, prayers, and donations.

Blessings!  Much love!
Heidi Miller


Anonymous said...

When we first touched on this subject a year(?) ago, I never knew you would become such a strong supporter and advocate!

My prayers for you,

Heidi Weaver said...

Thank you Jeff! :)

Mark said...

"My attendance will surely serve to further educate me on the issues and the varying perspectives of the LGBT community, as well as put me in touch with hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people who are working to make sense of their faith and sexual orientation."

Heidi, you've certainly accomplished that goal.